As per the Worlds Car Magazine, President Barack Obama said; commencing 2015, all new cars and trucks bought by the federal government will be hybrids, electric vehicles & other alternative-fuel vehicles. Given that the government operates more than 600,000 fleet vehicles. There were two new initiatives announced today, to cut America�s 11 million barrels-a-day oil imports by a third by 2025. Obama also stated; �We cannot keep going from shock to trance on the issue of energy security, rushing to propose action when gas prices rise, then hitting the snooze button when they fall again�.
Boost for alternative-vehicle sales; The president said he is directing today, that all federal agencies plan to make 100 percent of their fleet purchases hybrids, electric vehicles and other alternative-fuel vehicles by 2015. (Ref:
In the light of which, the new generation Auto manufacturers around the Globe with strong technical collaboration, innovation and smart savvy marketing concept; is moving robustly towards the emerging markets, where fuel efficiency develops opportunities and growth. In 2010, the Chinese automotive market approximated to be close to the world�s highest recorded vehicle sales of 17.8 million units achieved by the United States and become the auto powerhouse of the world both in name and reality in 2011.(Ref:
Amsia Motors-IBH Group, CEO/Chairman Mustapha Ahmed and CEO/Chairman Mr.Pasquale Raucci of EUROTEKNE Ltd of UK ; entered a joint venture, company name styled as
EURO AMSIA MOTORS Ltd. with collective vision, and the mission in focus, the joint venture establishes a factory in the Southern part of Italy for three base product categories; Buses, SUV & Trucks. Following the dynamic technical collaboration of Amsia Motors with DFM, Cummins of China, the factory is to come into production by 2012. Initial production is projected to be of 12,000 units per annum. The project will be the 1st of its kind, having the Chinese Auto manufacturing facilities in Europe with full Euro Class standard, quality and excellence. The three base products are, Trucks. Buses. SUV's and EV's ; City and long distance buses, tourist buses, light 2 heavy trucks SUV's & EV's, are all of which will be produced, as per Euro standards 4 & 5.
Amsia Motors are engines powered by dual fuel or electric power system. The project will have an initial investment of 2 Billion Euro's low emission vehicles, promoting a greener environment friendly ' Tomorrow '. Amsia Motor's spearheaded innovative technical collaboration contributes modestly, by introducing the Chinese Auto manufacturing industry doors into the European markets. Agreements have been initialed and signed by Amsia Motors supported by DFM of China & the Global 500 companies of the world.